Dữ liệu biên mục
 Gelinas, Ulric J.
        Business processes and information technology / Ulric J. Gelinas, Jr., Steve G. Sutton, Jane Fedorowicz. - Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western, 2004. - xvi, 543 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
        Includes bibliographical references and index

1. Information technology -- Management.2. Business enterprises -- Computer networks -- Management.3. Electronic commerce -- Management.4. Management information systems.
I. Sutton, Steve G. . II. Fedorowicz, Jane .

Số định danh : 658 G201

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SDH: NV11000392-3, SDH1300020-1
  • Số bản: 4
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  • Số bản được giữ chỗ: 0
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