Dữ liệu biên mục
Moore, Jennifer L
        Criminal law / Jennifer L. Moore, DeSales University; John L. Worrall, University of Texas at Dallas. - Second edition. - Boaton : Pearson, 2016. - xvi, 271 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 28 cm.
        Tóm tắt: The foundations of criminal law ; Limitations on the criminal law ; The elements of criminal liability -- Justification defenses -- Excuse defenses --Complicity and vicarious liability -- Inchoate crimes -- Homicide ; Assaultive offenses ; Property damage and invasion ; Theft and analogous offenses ; Public order, morality, and vice crimes ; Terrorism and offenses against the state

1. Criminal law -- Textbooks -- United States.2. Luật hình sự -- Giáo trình -- Hoa Kỳ .
I. Worrall, John L.

Số định danh : 345.73 M433

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