Dữ liệu biên mục
Rothwell, Donald R
        International law : cases and materials with Australian perspectives / Donald R. Rothwell, Stuart Kaye, Afshin Akhtar-Khavari, Ruth Davis, Imogen Saunders. - Third edition. - Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia : Cambridge University Press, 2018. - xlvi, 828 pages ; 25cm.
        Tóm tắt: The nature of international law -- Sources of international law -- Law of treaties -- International and municipal law -- International legal personality -- Sovereignty over territory -- Jurisdiction -- State responsibility -- Human rights -- Law of the sea -- International environmental law -- International trade law -- Use of force -- Enforcement of international law -- The peaceful settlement of international disputes

1. International law.2. International law -- Australia.
I. Kaye, Stuart. II. Khavari, Afshin Akhtar. III. Davis, Ruth. IV. Saunders, Imogen.

Số định danh : 349 R435

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