Dữ liệu biên mục
Smith , David Gordon
        English for Telephoning / David Gordon Smith. - New York: Oxford University, 2007. - 64Pages.
        Sách do giáo viên cung cấp
        AV291 English for telephoning

        Tóm tắt: In today's world there are ve ry few jobs that do not involve the daily use of the telephon e - and due to globalization, the language used on th e telephone in business contexts is increasingly English. Even for people with a high level of English, speaking on the telephone presents a particular set of difficulties, for example sound quality. Not being able to see the body language of the person you are speaking to also makes telephone communication more problematic than a face-to-face conversation. However, by learning some of the conventions of the language of telephoning you can overcome some of these difficulties and develop your ability to hold efficient telephone conversations .

1. English language -- Business English.2. English language -- Business English.3. English language -- Business English -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers.4. Tiếng anh thương mại.

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