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Tran, Thi Minh Giang
        Linguistic features of cogintive non-factive verbs and epistemic adverb collocations in English / Tran Thi Minh Giang. - Ho Chi Minh City : VietNam National University, 2019. - 200tr. ; 27cm.
        Tóm tắt: Language is a vehicle of thought, a means of communication. Nowadays it is common knowledge that, in language, there are different types of linguistic and paralinguistic means for expressing, representing, and influencing people’s perceptions and emotions. This monograph by Dr. Tran Thi Minh Giang – an expert in the field of English Linguistic – is an investigation into linguistic features of such a specific means in English: The construction that consists of the singular first person subject pronoun ” I” and cognitive non- factive verb and epistemic adverb collocations with respect to epistemic modality framework

1. English language -- Non- factive verb.2. English language -- Epistemic adverb collocations.

Số định danh : 428 TR105

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