Dữ liệu biên mục

Tanner, John F
        Dynamic Customer Strategy: Today’s CRM / John F. Tanner. - Business Expert Press, 2014. - 168Pages.
        Ebook from IG Library

        Tóm tắt: Marketers, merchandisers, and sales executives alike are struggling with Big Data - the data streaming at increasing speeds from myriad channels and options for communicating with customers. The tools are likely to continue to multiply, paralyzing many executives with simply too many choices. Using data from a four-year study, this book provides a process for rigorous decision making, eliminating the paralysis and optimizing decision making for marketing performance. This book is intended for a broad audience including students and professors in graduate business schools, and practicing business executives. The goal is to inform marketing practice and help current and future business leaders navigate through the competitive storms unleashed by technological change

1. Marketing Strategy.2. Quản lý tiếp thị.3. Nghiên cứu người tiêu dùng.

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