Dữ liệu biên mục

Raes, Anneloes M. L
        Top Management Teams: How to Be Effective Inside and Outside the Boardroom / Anneloes M. L. Raes. - Business Expert Press, 2011. - 108Pages.
        Ebook from IG Library

        Tóm tắt: This book provides an overview of the organizational mechanisms of TMT impact. When having finished this book, readers will know how a TMT exerts influence and have more insight in how to make TMTs more effective in their organizations. Insight into the ways in which TMTs influence their organizations can benefit practicing top managers, as well as non-executive directors, consultants, team coaches etc. It may help them in establishing early indicators of organizational performance, selecting new TMT members, diagnosing dysfunctional TMT behavior, and assessing the TMT's interaction with middle managers. This book to be interesting for a wide audience of practitioners and researchers

1. Strategic Management.2. Quản lý chiến lược.3. Quản trị kinh doanh.
I. Chaffe-Stengel, Priscilla.

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