Dữ liệu biên mục

Richardson, Ronny
        Business Applications of Multiple Regression / Ronny Richardson. - Business Expert Press, 2011. - 204Pages.
        Ebook from IG Library

        Tóm tắt: This book describes the use of the statistical procedure called multiple regression in business situations, including forecasting and understanding the relationships between variables. The book assumes a basic understanding of statistics but reviews correlation analysis and simple regression to prepare the reader to understand and use multiple regression. The techniques described in the book are illustrated using both Microsoft Excel and a professional statistical program. Along the way, several real-world data sets are analyzed in detail to better prepare the reader for working with actual data in a business environment. This book will be a useful guide to managers at all levels who need to understand and make decisions based on data analysis performed using multiple regression. It also provides the beginning analyst with the detailed understanding required to use multiple regression to analyze data sets

1. Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making.2. Quản trị kinh doanh.
I. Chaffe-Stengel, Priscilla.

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