Dữ liệu biên mục

Bhasin, Balbir B
        Doing Business in the ASEAN Countries / Balbir B. Bhasin. - Business Expert Press, 2010. - 225Pages.
        Ebook from IG Library

        Tóm tắt: Process Mapping & Management is a 10-chapter book comprised of three sections: Process mapping mechanics, process improvement analysis, and process redesign and justification. Written for executives and graduate students the text offers practical techniques for simplifying and improving business processes that are immediately actionable. The improvement analysis is based on lean six sigma techniques and discusses leaning for the removal of process waste, cleaning for improving the remaining steps, and greening for evaluating methods that either automate or off-load work

1. International Business.2. Kinh doanh quốc tế.
I. Huddleston, Patricia.

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