Dữ liệu biên mục
Kumbar, Sangamesh
        Natural and synthetic biomedical polymers / edited by Sangamesh G. Kumbar, Cato T. Laurencin, Meng Deng. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2014. - xvii, 402 p. ; 29 cm.
        Includes bibliographic references and index

        Nội dung: Section 1. Synthesis and Characterization 1.1. Polymer Synthesis: the design and synthesis of important classes of polymeric biomaterials involving different monomers will be discussed. 1.2. Characterization of Polymeric Biomaterials: in vitro and in vivo characterization of advanced biomaterials, (cell and tissue interactions with polymeric biomaterials with various physico-chemical, mechanical properties, surface and degradation properties Section 2. Currently Used Materials 2.1. Proteins and poly(amino acids) including collagen, poly(amino acids), elastin and elastin-like polypeptides, albumin, and fibrin 2.2. Polysaccharides including hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, chitin and chitosan, and alginic acid 2.3. Poly(a-ester)s including polylactides, polyglycolide, poly(lactide-co-glycolide), polycaprolactone, and bacterial polyesters 2.4. Polyurethanes 2.5. Poly(ester amide) 2.6. Poly(ortho esters) 2.7. Polyanhydrides 2.8. Poly(propylene fumarate) 2.9. Polyphosphazenes 2.10. Pseudo poly(amino acid)s 2.11. Polyphosphoester 2.12. Polyacetals 2.13. Poly(ethylene glycol)-based biomaterials 2.14. Dendrimers 2.15. Elastomers Section 3. Biomedical Applications of Polymeric Biomaterials 3.1. Polymeric Biomaterials in Biomedical Implants 3.2. Polymeric Biomaterials in Drug Delivery 3.3. Polymeric Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering 3.4. Polymeric Biomaterials in Medical Diagnostics

1. Biopolymers.2. Biodegradable plastics.3. Nhựa phân hủy sinh học.
I. Deng, Meng. II. Laurencin, Cato. III. Nhan đề

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