Dữ liệu biên mục
Akiyama, M
        Design technology of fusion reactors / M. Akiyama. - Singapore : World Scientific, 1991. - 616p. : ill ; 23cm.        (Series on Directions in Condensed Matter Physicsin theorietical and applied mechanics)

        Tóm tắt: This book contains the contributions of over 40 outstanding applied physicists from Japan specializing in this area of design technology. Among them are K Miya, S Yamamoto, M Ohnishi, Y Ogawa, Y Sakai, T Kuroda, H Nariai, K Miyazaki, H Madarame, M Saitoh. The topics discussed extensively include: Plasma; First Wall and Impurity Control Engineering; Blanket and Shield; Magnet; Heating; Power Supply; Tritium Systems; Fuel Supply System; Remote Handling; Vacuum System; Building; Cooling System; Fundamentals for Design Technology

1. Fusion reactors -- Design and construction.2. Lò phản ứng tổng hợp -- Thiết kế và xây dựng.

Số định danh : 621.484 A103

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