Dữ liệu biên mục
Rullhusen, P
        Novel radiation sources using relativistic electrons : from infrared to x-rays / P. Rullhusen, X. Artru, P. Dhez. - Singapore ; River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, 1998. - 202 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
        Series on synchrotron radiation techniques and applications ; vol. 4
        Includes bibliographical references and index

        Tóm tắt: 10 chapters: Introduction; Radiation by Relativistic Electrons; Synchrotron Radiation, Undulators, Free - Electron lasers; compton scattering of laser light; cohernt Bremsstrahlung;..

1. Radiation sources -- Electrons -- X-rays.2. Vật lý -- Nguồn bức xạ -- Electron -- X - quang.
I. Artru, X. II. Dhez, Pierre.

Số định danh : 539.2 R510

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