Dữ liệu biên mục
Taketani, Mituo
        The formation and logic of quantum mechanics / Mituo Taketani ; translated from the Japanese and with explanatory notes by Masayuki Nagasaki. - New Jersey, Singapore: World Scientific, 2001. - 3 volumes : illustrations ; 23 cm.
        Vol. standard numbers from jackets
        Vols. 2-3 by Mituo Taketani and Masayuki Nagasaki
        Includes bibliographical references and index

        Nội dung: volume I. Formation of atomic models -- volume II. Way to quantum mechanics -- volume III. Establishment and logic of quantum mechanics

1. Quantum theory.2. Theorie quantique.3. Lý thuyết lượng tử.
I. Nagasaki, Masayuki. II. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 530.12 T103

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: NV18000983, NV18001199
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