Dữ liệu biên mục
Hiismaki, Pekka
        Modulation spectrometry of neutrons with diffractometry applications. Vol.1 / Pekka Hiismaki. - Singapore: World Scientific, 1997. - x, 177 pages : illustrations ; 23cm.        (Series on neutron techniques and applications ; vol. 1)

        Series on neutron techniques and applications
        Includes bibliographical references (pages 171-174) and index

        Tóm tắt: Modulation spectrometry of neutrons refers to a measuring principle, characterized by classification of neutron histories in a probabilistic way, not the usual deterministic way. In order to accomplish this, neutron beams entering the sample are modulated by high-transmission, white-beam selectors of the multislit type, such as Fourier or statistical choppers or high-frequency-modulated spin-flippers. In this scheme it is impossible to decide in a unique way through which particular slit any single neutron passed, but the distribution of histories for a large population of neutrons can nevertheless be correctly obtained, by classifying each conceivable history either as a high-probability or as a low-probability event, based on the actual observed state of the neutron selector. So far the principle has been successfully applied to powder diffraction, but it seems to offer extra degrees of freedom if applied to measuring dispersion curves of coherent excitations, such as phonons in single crystals

        ISBN . - ISBN
1. Modulation spectroscopy.2. Neutrons -- Diffraction -- Measurement.3. Neutrons -- Scattering -- Measurement.4. Neutronenspektroskopie.5. Phổ học biến điệu.6. Nơtron -- Tán xạ -- Đo lượng.7. Nơtron -- Nhiễu xạ -- Đo lượng.
I. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 539.7213 H309

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