Dữ liệu biên mục
Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890
        The idea of a university : defined and illustrated in nine discourses delivered to the Catholics of Dublin in occasional lectures and essays addressed to the members of the Catholic University / by John Henry Cardinal Newman ; edited, with an introduction and notes, by Martin J. Svaglic. - Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 1982. - xlvii, 428 p. ; 22 cm.        (Notre Dame series in the great books)

        Includes bibliographical references and index
1. Education, Higher -- Aims and objectives.2. Education -- Philosophy.3. Giáo dục -- Triết học.4. Giáo dục đại học -- Mục đích.
I. Svaglic, Martin J. II. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 378.01 N207

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