Dữ liệu biên mục
Lindenbaum, Samuel D
        Analytical dynamics : course notes / Samuel D. Lindenbaum. - Singapore ; River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, 1994. - xiv, 300 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
        "This book comprises a set of notes on a course of lectures given by the late Professor Shirley L. Quimby at Columbia University, New York City"--P. v
        Includes bibliographical references (p. xiii-xiv)

        Tóm tắt: This book comprises a set of lecture notes on rational mechanics, for part of the graduate physics curriculum, delivered by the late Prof. Shirley L. Quimby during his tenure at Columbia University, New York. The notes contain proofs of basic theorems, derivations of formulae and amplification of observations, as well as the presentation and solution of illustrative problems. Collateral readings from more than 50 source references are indicated at appropriate places in the text

1. Dynamics.2. Hệ thống động thái.3. Hệ Hamilton.4. Dynamics Systems.
I. Quimby, Shirley L. II. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 515.39 I-311

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