Dữ liệu biên mục
Odom, Wendell
        Computer networking first-step / Wendell Odom. - Indianapolis, IN : Cisco, 2004. - 105 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
        Tóm tắt: Networking Basics (What Is a Network?; A Network’s Reason for Existence; Building a Network); Running the Local Department of (Network) Transportation; (How to Build a Local (Network) Roadway); Rules of the Road: How to Use the Local (Network) Roadway;... ); Shipping and Logistics: Commerce Using the (Network) Roadways (Shipping Goods over a (Network) Roadway; Choosing Shipping Options When Transporting the Goods over the (Network) Roadway;...); Navigating the Roadways to Find the Right Street Address (Delivering the Goods to the Right Street (IP) Address; Knowing Where to Turn at Each Intersection (Router);... ); Building an Interstate (Inter-LAN) Highway System

1. Computer networks.2. Mạng máy tính.
I. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 004.6 O-419

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