Dữ liệu biên mục
Gregory, Howard
        Language and Logics : An Introduction to the Logical Foundations of Language / Howard Gregory. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2015. - viii, 330 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.        (Edinburgh Advanced Textbooks in Linguistics)

        Includes bibliographical references (pages 302-309) and index

        Nội dung: Chapter 1 Meaning and Logic -- PART I The Classical Picture -- Chapter 2 Truth Table Logic -- Chapter 3 Predicates -- Chapter 4 Quantifiers -- Chapter 5 Functions: The Lambda Calculus -- PART II Modality -- Chapter 6 Possibility and Necessity -- chapter 7 Worlds and Individuals -- PART III Negation and Partiality -- Chapter 8 Many Valued Logics -- Chapter 9 Situations and Information -- Chapter 10 Intuitionism and Constructive Proof -- PART IV Substructural Logics and Categorial Grammar -- Chapter 11 Relevance, Resources and Order -- Chapter 12 Grammar as Logic -- Chapter 13 Combinators

1. Language and logic.2. Ngôn ngữ và logic.
I. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 401 GR201

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