Dữ liệu biên mục
Galin, Daniel
        Software quality assurance from theory to implementation / Daniel Galin. - [?]. : [?], 2009. - [?], 590 p. ; [?] cm.
        Includes bibliographical references and index

        Tóm tắt: 7 parts (26 chapters): Introduction; pre- project software quality components; QSA components in the project life cycle; software quality infrastructure components; management components of software quality; standards, certification and assessment; organizing for quality assurance

1. Computer software -- Quality control.2. Phần mềm -- Đảm bảo chất lượng.3. Máy tính -- Chất lượng phần mềm.
I. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 005.3 G103

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