Dữ liệu biên mục
Creswell, John W
        Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches / John W. Creswell. - 3rd ed. - Los Angeles : SAGE, 2013. - xxi, 448 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm.
        Previous ed. cataloged as: Qualitative inquiry & research design - 2007
        Includes bibliographical references (p. 417-434) and indexes

        Nội dung: Introduction -- Philosophical assumptions and interpretive frameworks -- Designing a qualitative study -- Five qualitative approaches to inquiry -- Five different qualitative studies -- Introducing and focusing the study -- Data collection -- Data analysis and representation -- Writing a qualitative study -- Standards of validation and evaluation -- "Turning the story" and conclusion

1. Social sciences -- Methodology.2. Khoa học xã hội -- Phương pháp học.
I. Nhan đề

Qualitative inquiry and research design

Số định danh : 300.72 CR206

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