Dữ liệu biên mục
Dorronsoro, Bernabé
        Evolutionary algorithms for mobile ad hoc networks / Bernabé Dorronsoro, Patricia Ruiz, Grégoire Danoy, Yoann Pigné, Pascal Bouvry. - xiv, 222 pages ; 25 cm.        (Nature-inspired computing series)

        Includes bibliographical references and index

        Tóm tắt: "This comprehensive guide describes how evolutionary algorithms (EA) may be used to identify, model, and optimize day-to-day problems that arise for researchers in optimization and mobile networking. It provides efficient and accurate information on dissemination algorithms, topology management, and mobility models to address challenges in the field. It is an ideal book for researchers and students in the field of mobile networks"--Provided by publisher

1. Evolutionary computation.2. Genetic algorithms.3. Mobile communication systems.4. Tính toán tiến hóa.5. Giải thuật di truyền.6. Hệ thống thông tin di động.7. Giao thức truyền thông (Chuẩn truyền thông).
I. Ruiz, Patricia . II. Danoy, Grégoire . III. Pigné, Yoann . IV. Bouvry, Pascal. V. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 621.38212 D434

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