Dữ liệu biên mục
Bolay, Jean-Claude
        From urban environmental management towards sustainable cities: Scientific tools for new operational practices in southern cities = De la gestion de L'Environnement urbain vers le développment durable urbain: Des instruments scientifiques pour de nouvelles pratiques dans les villes du sud /edited by Jean-Claude Bolay, Ngo Than Loan, Michel Bassand,... - 138 p. : ill.
        Proceedings of the International Workshop Urban Environmental Management Group Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 20-24 March,2000
1. Urban -- Environmental management.2. Đô thị -- Quản lý môi trường.
I. Ngo, Than Loan. II. Bassand, Michel. III. Nhan đề

Số định danh : 307.76 B428

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